Not that children go into sports caring about winning. At least, not at first. Adults do have a hand in fostering competitiveness. At least for a short time. Then, something happens that is unavoidable. Everyone enters the brackets of life—you know, brackets like those used in college basketball to pit teams against each other on the way to a national championship.
Brackets are unavoidable at some part in everyone’s life. Even a CEO is in a bracket of other CEOs. Of course, getting to the status of CEO was a matter of progressing through some kind of bracket, and that applies to self-starters, the entrepreneurs who forged their own business in a world of other businesses.
Unfortunately, brackets have final levels, and those levels limit the number of participants. In basketball, for example, just two teams vie in the final round for the championship. Fortunately, there’s no limit to bracketing. Didn’t make it to the final level in the bracket? You have options. Trying again is one. Another is entering a new bracket. Yet another is making an entirely new set of brackets on rules you devise.
There’s a championship out there waiting for you. Start drawing your brackets.